December 24, 2008

I Don't Know What Love Is

OK so I don't know what love is. So Love Negotiated has become a form of free therapy for me. Not that you won't like it; I'm funny when confused. So it can be free therapy for you too.

Turns out that the people who were charged with teaching me love didn't do the best job. That's probably true with a lot of people. Especially a lot of the people I dated (see, that's funny!).

In the past, some of us have probably been punished for expressing love. Rendered scared for showing vulnerability. Had the person whom you thought was in charge of the love turn out to not be any better at it than you.

So, this Holiday season, which ends with Valentine's Day, it's time to think of love. How love is an end unto itself. How it's all you need.

Except that we're all so scared of it, Right? Well, like everything else in this trip around the Sun, it's a process. So come process with us.

Read the Blog, comment. See the show. Comment. Comment or don't and I'll keep on loving.
